Linda De Witt - District 1 Cedar Le Village

My Background

A native Montrealer, I graduated from Dawson College (DEC) and Concordia University (BFA). For most of my working life I’ve been in the corporate audio-visual industry, with clients from both government and private industry.

I moved to Pointe-Claire with my husband and small children 35 years ago, and have been involved in volunteering in the community ever since. Pointe-Claire has been a wonderful place to raise children, with long-established community organizations and a strong cadre of volunteers.

I’m presently on the executive of several community organizations: The Pointe-Claire Heritage Preservation Society / Société pour la Sauvegarde du Patrimoine de Pointe-Claire; the Stewart Hall Singers; Friends of Stewart Hall & the non-profit citizen advocacy group Heart of Pointe-Claire, a member of Save the Fairview Forest and until recently served on the Stewart Hall Advisory Board. Over the years I attended consultations for the city’s Planning Programs and frequently attend City Council and Demolition Committee meetings.